What is a military man? He is someone who knows exactly how his day begins and ends. He knows his routines, what needs to be done. These actions are polished and technical. A military man is a man who is obliged to carry out orders and commands steadfastly. There is no room for the words “I want” and “I don’t want. There is only “must.
Can we say that it is a cruel enough world with its natural selection? After all, not everyone has the strength and stamina to make their way up the career ladder. Not everyone can return home alive. This is the harsh reality of a man who is in the line of duty. But sooner or later, the service ends. A soldier awaits another world with new rules and laws, to which it is not so easy and adapt. After all, you can leave the army, but the military is unlikely to get out of you. Over the years, not every soldier wonders what they will do when they return home, where things are much calmer. And exactly how he will adjust to life at a measured pace.
Over the long years of service, your previous experience and skills remain with you even after retirement. And it would seem that employers have no objective reason not to hire you for a new position. But soon, you’re faced with a new one and another rejection.
Steps to help you make the jump from military service to the civilian
Why does it happen? The reasons are pretty trivial and uncomplicated. Someone fears the state of your mental health after years of military service. And many employers do not understand your “military language”: your position, what duties it implies, what essential skills are hidden under these terms. That’s why you don’t stand out among other candidates for a new position. Understanding this, you can derive an algorithm of actions that will help you avoid an unsuccessful interview and get another rejection. You form a new strategy, develop tactics that you follow with confidence.
Being in the military, you didn’t face such a task as drafting a resume. You didn’t need to present yourself in the best possible light at an interview to win the hearts of your superiors. But there are rules, too, and following them will make your life easier. And this is probably the first thing you need to master in civilian life. Remember, when creating your resume, you must learn to speak in a language people can understand, a language they can understand. Don’t use military terminology that won’t tell you much about yourself. And formulating your entire set of positive qualities in a common language is not that difficult. After all, in this era of modern technology, you can even find an Army translator (O*Net Resources Center and Military to Federal Jobs Crosswalk). Use civilian language in your interviews, and you’ll do just fine. Don’t neglect the government and non-profit services that specialize in helping veterans find jobs. The goal of these organizations is to help you get through the post-war adjustment period as quickly as possible. The websites of such agencies are not hard to find on the Internet. They contain information on how you can contact a particular company and valuable articles, links to meetings, workshops, and bulletin boards. You can also find organizations that will match you with a mentor during your adjustment period. If necessary, they can help you formulate and write a proper presentation of your candidacy.
Take advantage of social networks and the connections you’ve made during your years of service. Contact companies that have programs for service members. Often the fact that some positions require people with military experience is listed on the official websites of these companies.
And most importantly, educate yourself. Just because your years in uniform are coming to an end doesn’t mean you have nothing more to learn from this world. Make the most of your time. Try to figure out what you want, what you’ve forgotten, what you’ve dreamed of, what you’d like to master. The Veteran Education Benefits User’s Guide This site has the information you need.
So don’t be afraid to expand your horizons. After all, a new, fascinating stage in your life is beginning, where you can realize your “wants” rather than your “shoulds.”